Sunday, April 25, 2010

What will u do if u bumps into ur boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend??

Definitely the best answer is “its depends on how they broke up”..

Okeyh, consequences from above.

diorang broke up dgn cara baik and still be friends. Then bole la duduk semeja for a while.

, diorg had a big fight maybe the girl cause it. And the boy mmg xboleh nak terima. Then of course la ur bf tu xmo mention lg about her. Lgkan nak duduk semeja kan.

ELSE, the boy yg make a mess. For sure that girl xmo ambik tau lg. unless dia masih syg ngan ex dia tu.

BUT, *go to the 2nd statement. If that girl da menyesal. And nak come back to ur guy, trying seducing him, coz later she know there is no one the best as him. What will u do?.. coz no matter what, they do once had been together. Share the feelings, kenangan manis n pahit bersama… so, u will do??

  • Keep an eye on him.
  • Do not be jealous.
  • Take it easy.
  • Find his weak point and do grip his heart. *hey! U already got that heart dearie.
  • Do not suspicious. Trust him.

“To be trusted is a greater complement than to be loved. --- George Macdonald”

Ok lah. Mcm2 lagi yg boleh buat. Yg paling penting percaya. Jgn tuduh sebarangan. Men hate it. For me, I’ll try my best. Coz I know he is totally mine! *yeke??..see! that is still in doubt. Huu

Well, sikit xbyk I’m still jealous. Lagi la.. diorg lawa2.. cantik. Comel. Package lengkap. Nak compare ngn diri ni..haiiihh.. jauh beza kot. Sgt2 jauh. Bukan sbb diorg ex mr.k that make me jealous. Sometime bila tgk org comel2 ni.. jln ngn bf diorg.. hati terdetik. Untung nye lahai diorg dpt gf mcm tu.. sedap je mata memandang. Sepadan je. Me?.. org mungkin akan ckp. “pity him. Ensem tapi gf selekeh.”

Eh. Xbaik kan? least cukup sifat. Mak marah kalo kutuk2 diri ni.. dia ckp setiap org ada kelebihan n kekurangan. Yes, I know.. tapi.. sian nye mr.k dpt org mcm ni..iskk..

“manusia.. xpenah rase cukup dgn apa yg dia ada..”

Ambik phrase ni dr sesorg. *adah.. pinjam quote eh..rase sweet sgt.

“You told me I was beautiful,It meant so much to me,But when I looked into the mirror,There was no beauty I could see.I asked you why you said that,I asked you why you lied,Then you told me to look closer,Because I'm beautiful inside.... “

So sweet ur husband to be..

Mungkin tu betul, apa yg lelaki nampak pd perempuan yg dia syg. *bila tgh syg laa.. so, let it be~

Bila sesorg tu syg kita dgn ikhlas, dia bukan syg pd kecantikan. Rite?

So, utk org xcantik mcm saya. Keep your heart beautiful bebeh!


Well, yeah. We bump into his ex yesterday. Tgh queue up nak byr barang. Nampak that girl kulu-kilir kat depan tu, actually before that lagi mr.k da nampak masa tgh pilih2 stokin, tp dia wat xtau.. xsangka plak dia mmg ada kat area tu. Lately ni this girl mcm nk seduce mr.k balik, but I take it as dia nak kwn biasa n nk luah perasaan je lah. *konon baru lepas putus cinta. So frust la kan.
mmm.. lawa org nye. N maybe single.. sape nak??..
n tetibe plak dia sms mr.k… “kenapa erk S terbayang mr.k depan mata jek. S on the way balik JB nih.”. what the HEY HEY kan? Da tergedik sengih kat situ. Ingt kitorg rabun ke?..n mr.k of cos la kenal. xkan la dia lupa lak kan muka buah hati pengarang jantung dulu.. mr.k xlyn sms tu. But I’m the one reply it. *EVIL..harrghh3!.. buat ayat sedey2 lak.. membawa hati yg luka la lara la..huh.

Its ok je with me. Tp mr.k da xsanggup nak duduk dlm tu.. dia kata giant panas.. *bole cayeke??.. tah2 dia nk maksudkan ex dia hot .. kan?


Yeah, myb its easy for me. Tp not both of them. Let put me into her shoes. Its hurt when seeing org happy tp kita xhappy. So kenapa nak sakit2 kan hati kan.. let it go.. what is past remain a past.

Dah. Senyum2.. tp mmg da senyum all the day.. mr.k upah SR..hik hik, new baju kurung.. *eh. ni dia blanje ke kena byr balik eh??..


telorpenyu said...

jujur, iklas, toleransi, memahami adalah lebih penting nk dibandingkn dgn kecantikan semata-mata...

but i didn't mean u are not beautiful... but u got d other package compared with other person..

Alia said...

Yeah, you're right. You gotta trust him. Men usually are bad liars, so kalau dia tipu, you'll know.

Trust is the base of all relationships. If he says it's over, take his words for it. Kalau dia tipu, you can shove those words up his ass.


Ms.Khayra said...

thanx alia!

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