Sunday, May 9, 2010

7th MAY 2010

Genap 2 years I’ve been with mr.k . after 16 years knowing him, after 11 years have a crush on him.. owh!..yeah. akhirnya he is mine kan?..kan2?.. well, yela2..ngaku la. Mmg dulu sy yg bg 1st letter kat mamat nih..heee *blushing2

Owhh. Mase tu standard 6. Bak kata nabil. Standard lagi belum modified. *tapi da gatal kan??...dush3. then mase tu kan konon2 semua nk berpisah..nak masuk asrama la konon2 kan.. so, bg la surat pd bestfriends. Mintak maaf n wish gud luck for the next life phase. Gle budak2. Tp kat mr.k laen sket..ngehehe..*gelak gatal. Kat dia g ngaku la kan minat dia xmalu..belum jd perempuan lg time tu..huh.

Eh2..apa2?..bukan ai sorg je gatal. Mr.k reply tau surat tu. Owhhh..cinta ai berbalas yu!. Ai xbertepuk sebelah tgn..muahaha.. that time tgh wat preparation tuk perpisahan. Tgh lukis2 kat blackboard ttbe ada mamat ni dtg dekat2 kan..malu2..ingtkan nk apa..rupanya hulur surat. Sy?..harus la cover cun. Control mcm x excited. Tp balik je. Bwk basikal laju2.. habis tggl semua kwn2.. sembunyi kat celahan lori kat garaj. Bukak surat. Seb baek xjatuh beskal.. haiiihh..mlm tu mmg mmpi indah la.. seminggu senyuman manis dr biasa..har har har.. *ada jugak org nk kat si bontot kuali ni kan..

Esk nya g skolah..alah2..malu2 plak kan maen2 mata. Tp mr.k dulu noty. Suka pndang sembunyi2.. naseb baek sy stok ayu je dr dulu..*dush2.. start la balas2 surat.. seb baek da abis UPSR. Kalo tak mati la flying result dlm longkang.. tp dah hari2 terakhir sekolah tu. Mr.k buang semua surat2 kat atas salur air pondok pak guard. Sape tah jd informer masa tu.. sanggup ni pg panjat beskal. Nk tgk betul tak. Betul weyh.. da kembang da ink biru kat surat tu. Huh. Kck hati. Pakai pen pilot tu tulis. Siap kalo tulisan xlawa keronyok tulis balik.. TAPI SY XLETAK BEDAK OK!..

Mr.k dulu comel je orgnye..ramai peminat gak.. cube tgk ni..

Then, lepastu terpisah lah kami.. masa tu da dpt masuk asrama. Da form 2 dgr cter mr.k da ada awek laen. Gile frust!.. terus bakar semua gambar n surat2 dia bg..pose2 sedih bergenang air mata. *padahal kena asap. Tah pape kan dolu2..gedik sungguh. Kalo mak tau la. Mati kena cincang. Xbaligh lg da gatal semcm..muahaha

Itu lah kisah 1st love saya..euwww.. rase cam nk lempang laju2 je. Well, byk lg episode yg akhirnya buat kami menjadi teman tp mesra kembali. Will be continued to the next anny plak la eh. Nnti da xde citer. Insyaallah..

skrg mr.k slalu buat2 comel je..mcm ni..

“Will love you till the last of my breath.. I love everything bout u..thanx for loving me syg.. u r my great shoulder.. without u I’m loser..”

Wuaaa!!! jarang jiwang2 ada sesaper geli?.. tp sy terharu. Well, definitely it will goes to “tgh syg, everything goes sweet rite?”

Stop thinking in –ve way, just pray this love will be last n forever. AND hope The Greatest Allah will bless us. AMIN!

nothing much happen on 7th may. actually nothing class. friday pun keje. mlm tu ada dinner of cos la dia g mkn sedap2.. sayep mkn mee goreng psr mlm jek..wuuu..
but. he manage to pay all his hutang. after clas td. dia dtg ambik pastu terus kuar. plan nk tgk Iron Man 2. tp dah full. yg ada sit xbest. kang balik teleng plak. so proceed dgn g mkn je.. burppp.. 
 org yg konon2 xnk mkn byk..nk mkn dessert je.. 
ttbe je rase meja ni mcm kena tolak. owh! ade james boncit la!!...

pose msti maintain kurus okeh!

dessert yg lg best kalo buat sndr kat umah. leh tabur choc rice byk2..
"mr.k: huu..perut i da mengah giler ni."
"me: nk cancel xdessert?...larat ke nk mkn? "
"mr.k: eh. mane boleh..nk cuci mulut. rasa hanyir."
*dan2 la nk cuci kan..mcm balik umah xleh gosok gg..
ckp je la nak..piirrah..

I’m not that kind of girl that easily falls in love. And also not that kind of girl that  easy to be fall for too. So its lucky me to have someone like u that can see the other side of me, can love me all the way I am. It’s soooo comfortable to be with you. You are the one can control me without conquering. You are the one can listen to me without judging. You are the one can speak to me without hurting. Thanx my love.


lalilatpunlalilatla said...

congrate.. lame tuh, bagus2
doakan i pula lpsni ek heehhe

R3alfarhha said...

huaaaaaa...eera..., bila laaa giliran ai pulak nak rase berchenta ni ek? hak3.... (@_@) huhu~~

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