Wednesday, January 19, 2011

weee... happy birthday to me again!

another year add up.. yet 3 has changed to 4..
"It is time to be old, to take in sail..." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

mm..mcm biasa... 
alhamdulillah.. another number for me.. tuhan panjangkan lg umur hamba nye ni..selaaluuuuu lupe..apa yg DIA dah leka dgn apa yg DIA kurniakan...ira ira...haaiiihhh..

alhamdulillah some of azam last year dah tertunai.
- dapat kerja seperti yg diimpikan.. =D
   see..i'm smiliiiiing...
p/s:this pic made by's cute!!..
i mean the design (not me in the picture..i know i know)
 n the way she treated us.
thank you so much yati. =)

- kereta. walaupun lambat..ade jugak rezki.. cuma kena lebih berhati2 la lps ni.. nasib baik aka mr.k sy tegas betul org nye..huu.

and and and... i can drive!!.. takut dah tgg 40%..tipu la 100% confident kann..
at least now i've made it. drive along federal highway and pass at all roundabout kat shah alam (time kereta xbyk bole la kann).. can la after this pergi rumah mkngah sendiriiii...hehe

walaupun mr.k xbg pun kata positive yg buat rasa mcm nak bangga.. tp sy tetap bangga ngn dr sndr..boleh?
siyes mr.k ni xleh jd pengkritik kat AF.. xde pun ayat yg boleh suntik smgt tau.. T_T..

- owh..PT... xbyr lg..baru apply yg ujrah tu..huhu *alasan weyh*..haha
- diet ni..haaiihh..xtau la nak ckp ape..setaun da ira oi! lain bole turun 8-10 kg in a year..kao ado?...wee
- lupe la psl ASB..keke
- transformation. i can say from "in relationship" now changed to "engaged"??..keke
- hire maid utk..alaaaahai.. tgi tul cita2.. one fine day insyaallah..myb this year??.. *wink2*

so, azam for this year?
  • azam msti lah utk improvement kan?..tah la ek.. for this year..harap2 this job akan berterusan n i'll do the best to be the best.
  • for myself sndr.. ada lg yg kosong ni.. yg perlu di isi.. perlu. sgt perlu.. hamba allah yg satu ni susaaahh sgt nak istiqamah..isskk..
  • mm.. sy kena khatam this year! msti! msti! *nmpak sgt payah mengaji smpi kena tekanan mcm tu*..huu
  • will start for W-day preparation little by little.. annnnddd..hope that our etrnal love will be blessed.. ya Tuhan jgn Kau uji kami dgn dugaan yg kami tak tertanggung.. =)

p/s: sape perasan ape perubahan sy sepanjang setahun ni?..mmm.any anyone?

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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers