Thursday, March 27, 2014

some updates

long hiatus? huh?

busy.malas..xde idea. hehe
kdg2 ada idea nak karang blog. tp masa tu dlm tren la.. tgh msk la.. bila da hadap pc. lupa.. wkakaka

ok. we have moved to new home. typical flat home yg agak sadis. tp mahal. die.
semuanya kerana perngorbanan sbg seorg ibu yg bekerja.cewaah..
dlm pd tgh ada mslh dgn rumah sewa lama..kami diberi rezeki dpt rumah sewa yg betul2 bwh rumah babysitter. kejiranan melayu.seronok!

dpt dgr azan. husband dpt campur org surau. ada kenduri kawen!
tp..rumah kecik.. ada bocor sikit2..
ikutkan boleh je..utk kitorg 3 beranak duduk.. tp family members yg lain dtg mcm ralat tgk tmpat kitorg stay.. we can see it form their face..sobss..

someone offer us their apartments. mmg cantik.ada pool.guards. ikutkan nafsu. nak sgt.. ikutkan hati belah2..ikutkan akal. die.
i know that they all love yg pening ni..

btw, cukup la cerita ni. rasa perit yg dicarik2 sbb xtahu nk buat keputusan mcm mana. nak kawen dulu pun x seteruk ni mikiornye..wahaha

happy birthday to husband aka mr.k. tq for always being great guy for me.
bila go thru cerita MH370.. i dunno what will happen to me if i was in their place. i cant live without you. not even can sleep without u.
i cant, dunno, dont want to imagine the pain.
eventho we have ups n down.. i hope we will go thru it together.. we promised to grow old together kan?

happy birthday to me. one year older. life is not challenging if u keep it simple... so eventho its hard. take the challenges.fight and learn from ur mistakes.
every single minutes i'm trying my best to be the best. but the best level change everyday.
keep going and semoga dugaan yang allah bagi dugaan yang boleh dihadapi.. ditetapkan iman..

happy birthday to my baby. we keep doing same things everyday. sedar x sedar..dah setahun dah ilhan hadeef. rasa sakit delivery pun dah xingt dah mcm mana.. *mcm bunyi da ready utk yg kedua jek...kui3*
mumy hanya doa supaya ilhan sentiasa sihat.. i know i'm not a good mumy.. nothing much i can ask for.. but. semoga allah sentiasa berkati hidup ilhan hadeef.
alhamdulillah dikurniakan permata yg mungkin xsemua org dpt rasa.. eventho i'm not good..please dont take him away from me allah.. please keep him well.. amin ya allah..

happy anniversary to us. its the 2nd year.. insyaallah. we will grow old together until jannah..

so many celebrations at the beginning of the year kan.. wish list for 2014 cum my birthday's wish list is making some progress.
- rumah. Loan approved. SnP signed. now tgh tgu lawyer utk process kwsp.
- new phone. pejam mata both of us tukar fon..hehe..since fon husband da start buat hal.. n da nak dekat 4 tahun jugak kitorg bertahan pakai fon tu.. we say bye2 to berries..n welcome to android n ios.
- camera. doubting nak beli. fon enuf i think? will get the monopod soon.hehe
- umrah. quite far to catch up. but will try prepare for it. insyaallah
- korea. closed case. settle above first..hehe..

another one to add up.
- more saving!

ada terbaca. 5 tahun yg pertama dlm perkahwinan. selalunya cabarannya ialah kewangan. so i believe and have to make sure we must financially stable in this coming year. insyallah..
5 tahun seterusnya. nak tau apa?
i believe its trustworthy. stable dah kan... (insyaallah).
hopefully we able to go thru this.everything.

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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers