Thursday, June 24, 2010


sy rasa risau.
rasa xtentu arah.
rasa xboleh focus.
rasa xkena.
rasa nak nangis.
rasa serabut.
rasa nak keluarkan otak yg bersimpul2 ni.. bentangkan atas lantai. dan susun balik biar teratur n terurus.

*tenang ira...tenang..take it easy. everythings gonna be fine ok?.

nenek mungkin dah masuk OT without anyone beside her. genggam tgn dia as i can do yesterday. give her strenght. (T_T)
doc inform lewat so no one standby dekat dia pg ni. pity her. be strong nenek. plz.

phone xboleh letak jauh2.. mmg 5-10min akan bunyi. either from mak. mak ngah. pak cik. n mak cik2 lain updating status mcm mana nk focus buat kerja?..

terpaksa ambik EL. berani mati mintak even tau it may effect my performance. but hopefully not..xtau la. mls pk.
apepun rasa blissful sbb i know i'm doing the right things. mak call. nangis2 sbb sgt risau. and when she know i'm there she's very lega. thats what i want. tau dia sgt susah hati n xkeruan kat rumah. perasaan risau and we know nothing we can do instead of just waiting n just do update over the phone sgt seksa kan?.

asalnye nenek just nak buat operation dekat lutut. but after going for MRI. sure mmg dr situ mcm2 boleh berubah kan. so right now the main issue for her is her spinal and backbone. kalau nenek xbuat operation ni she will gone trough the pain sampai mana dia boleh thn n will end up dgn paralyses. if dia buat operation ni. she will get better and the risk of paralyses pun 80/20. ok. bila dgr ni..rasa lega. now its depends on her to be strong enough. tp nenek mmg kuat smgt. sbb jln xpenah nk pki tongkat kan?..huu..*degil.

temankan nenek until 2pm.. lepas tu doc dtg beritahu xjd operation. mmg nenek dpt emergency case.. tp ada yg lg emergency dr diorg proceed diorg dulu.. sampai2 hospital after lunch ngn mr.k nenek suh belikan dia food. kesian nenek lapar sbb kena puasa. so sempat la beli nasi nenek sebelum balik.

its MANY MANY MANY THANX to mr.k.. he do alot for me. xtau la mcm mana nak ckp kalau dia xde. and xtau la ada org lain yg sanggup buat like he do. dia da mcm part of our family. i love that. tanpa keluh. tanpa merungut.. thanx a lot my dear. xtau da nak ckp mcm mana. Nenek also sampai berair mata when she sampaikan salam thanx to him..

mlm ni mak sampai. pick her up dekat klcentral n terus ke s.alam. so mak xkan jumpe nenek la mlm ni. mak xtau by the time dia call bg tau change plan naik train ptg nenek da masuk OT. xpe la..mmg makngah xbg beritahu. nnti dia meroyan biar dia settle evrything sebelum dtg. abah will stay je dekat kg. sbb yg lain2 sekolah. n kalo abah dtg pun susah nak guide area KL ni.. dgn jem lg..

esk dah jumaat. as plan. nak xnk mmg kena dtg keje. haiihh.. kalo la sabtu n ahad xde event. rasa menyesal pun ada. tp xbole buat apa.. so xpe. take it easy..n slow2 ye ira....


telorpenyu said...

kuatkan semangat u ok... i juz want to be the best for u...

1DiE_117 said...

strong eh ira.. Insya Allah ok..

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