Tuesday, March 27, 2012

yes..because i am a wife.

HSBC or Standard Chartered.

- perm postion
- better pay
- working hours 8.45am - 5.45pm
- annual leave 22days.

Standard Chartered
- perm position under process
- less than HSBC offered
- flexible
- annual leave 18days
- Working from home
- So far great environment and bosses.

dah lama xkena buat decision psl career.. offer dpt masa sehari sebelum nikah.. hectic time masa tu..xboleh nk fikir n focus.. so biar je smpi la da balik KL.
within 2 weeks balik KL ni..hari2 diorg call.. until the last email from them yg rasa nye da sepatutnye di reply.. xelok la kan..belum apa2 da show off ur bad attitude not responding to emails and calls..

actually in whatever i'm doing, i believe in Allah..setiap hari setiap kerja i believe there is something good for me..
and alhamdulillah..things will be easy for me..
semua org stress bile tgk i have to works on weekends and stay till nite in office. actually ni untuk SIMCO je.. insyaallah.. bila simco habis.selesai.. evrythg will go normal back..
sebelum2 ni pernah je balik awal..even skrg pun da bole balik awal sket..as long as your task done.

i can start work at home.. no more working on weekends.. can cook for hubby.. 

ada jugak terfikir.. is it because of i'm in comfort zone..so i'm afraid of changes??
i dunno how working env is there..lg stress ke.. kurang stress ke..mcm mana kalau lg stress?..xde systematic process..ada kaki kipas bos yg suka jatuhkan org lain..how? how?

mayb its true then. i'm afraid of changes. =(


DinasorCute said...

Rejeki kawen..

CtiEzoRa said...

tRy IstIkharah ira......iNsyaLLah Allah akaN bg PErtUnJuk (^_^)

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