Tuesday, April 24, 2012

sy A part 2


i'm asking my husband which part is reeaaaalllyyy meant its me. first yg di highlight.

They are also very creative, and the most artistic of all the blood types, most likely because of their sensitivity.

uhuu.. kat mana yg nmpk kreatif xtau la.. bukan pandai menjahit pon.. tp teringin nk belajar and ada mesin jahit kecik warna putih.. dpt jahit sapu tgn sndr pun jd laa..*sadis jee*

pastu?..tnye lagi..dia jwb most of it..paksa lg tnye yg mana..*gile je paksa laki*

A types are very responsible. If there is a job to be done, they prefer to take care of it themselves. These people crave success and are perfectionists.

pastu?..*paksa lg ni..

A types are shy and sometimes withdrawn. - ni alasannye..suruh nyanyi tp malu..tp nnti senyap2 nyanyi..
hahaha..gile suara xsedap pastu nk nyanyi dpn sume org..actually depan dia pun xpenah nyanyi lagi.. malu sbb suara en.suami pun sedap..lagi2 bila dia nyanyi our theme song...or lagu wali band..or lagu pasha tu..keke
teringin nye nk suara sedap.. suara abah sy pun sedap!..lagi2 bila bertaranum..tp syg bakat xturun..
yg menurun bakat yg kreatif thinking kot..thinking jaa..xsemesti nye jd realistic..kui3

pastu?..pastu dia da mls nak lyn.. =(

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