Friday, October 12, 2012

marriage life & dilema mommy to be..kui2

betul ckp kak.peej.. 
'kadang rasa dah lama kawin. macam eh baru 6 bulan.
kadang rasa macam, eh kejap je dah 6 bulan kawin, rasa macam baru je.'

hari2..msti belajar something..mesti muhasabah diri..mesti doa supaya terus je kekal bahagia..
kdg terbc jugak blog2 yg they share all the happiness..husband n wife lak tu.. 2-2 update blog how they love each other.. ayat jiwang gila.. bila da bc tu terfikir la jugak..
eh kenapa sy xbole nk express kan rasa bahagia cinta mcm diorg bole tulis kat blog ni?.. adakah cinta kami sudah hambar?..gituuhh..*lempang nk ira?*

tp fikir2 balik.. all the sweets things happens everyday..until i dunno which one tu mentioned here..n sbnrnye perlu ke nk jiwang2 kat public waimah da kawin pun?.. well, semua org ada cr tersendiri.. biar la..biar.. seronok jugak least ada idea2 menarik yg bole tiru apa nk buat kat psgn..kan2?

memandangkan mr.k selalu jd rujukan kwn2..mungkin sbb sifat dia yg xbyk ckp and bole dikatakan matured and he's reaaallly good at controlling emotion..setiap decision yg dia buat xde bias.. mungkin sbb tu la selalu jd insan terpilih..kott..hehe
so based pengalaman2 org ni kitorg akan analyze what should and shouldnt..harap2 andainye suatu hari nanti kami diuji dgn dugaan yg sama.. kami tau ape yg perlu buat.. kan2? =)

ada satu nasihat from him buat rasa mcm tersentuh sgt..*cewahh..sbnrnye kalau ckp ni kang lebih mcm puji dr sndri..tpppp..digest la sendiri..hehe
he told his fren yg ada satu mlm tu sebelum tido i have asked for forgiveness.. suddenly, he felt so touched and semua segala mcm2 rasa hilang.. hilang mcm tu je.. yg ada rasa kasih yg xtau nk ckp mcm mana..n he felt so lucky to have me as a mungkin kwn dia tu bole guna kan approach yg sama.. mungkin bukan suruh wife dia yg say sory.. tp dia yg say sory.. xsalah pun kalau nk beralah utk pulihkan keadaan kan..

me?..bila dgr mr.k citer balik msti la rasa bangga.. kekekeke..*gedik. tp xsedar pun sbnrnye masa bila buat bnda tu.. *nmpk sgt xamalkan hari2 kan?..haha..
tp...mmg rasa nye xnk buat hari2..sbb?.. kita ni manusia..bila sesuatu terlalu kerap kita akan jadi lali smpi kesannye kita da xsedar pun.. betul x?
tp kalau bnda tu jarang2 berlaku.. bila berlaku msti rasa touched lain sikit..kan2?.. tp...*brape byk tp tah..*
insyaallah.. i will try not to forget to ask for forgiveness and say thank you..insyaallah..

ok..tukar topik..last week we went to ikea..
lps da timbang tara n calculate mcm2.. we decided to buy the baby cot & mattress..awal kan?
huhu.. memandangkan mommy & daddy to be mempunyai masalah utk control pengaliran duit secara bernas.. jd kitorg rasa jln yg terbaik.. kita beli je terus sebelum duit itu dialirkan ke tempat lain..hik3..

kenapa ikea?.. sbb both of us bukan jenis kaki la actually..kalau ikut kaki sendiri ni semua furniture store nak masuk..nk pg.. even dekat puchong pun.. tp since we have that limitation.. dpt survey2 online je.. ada je offer online the baby cot set cost only RM800 complete. 
tp bila timbang tara.. and some advice from the bos.. she told me that ada things that actually useless.. no need to waste ur money to buy all the complete things but its actually not the necessity..hehe
but then, why i think baby cot is necessity?..
sooner or later with need this stuff.. seriously.. xkan umur baby smpi setahun still nk tdo with the mommy and daddy kan.. so xpe la..
*org ckp dgn anak jgn berkira sgt.. tp kena kira2 oi.. kang xterkira kang*

so we bought baby cot, mattress & mattress protector with the cost, RM578..
dah survey2.. fitted sheet for baby, bantal and comforter..the cost around RM180+.. harap2 masa baby fair nnti lg murah la.. kalau around 100++ jugak..mungkin kaedah lain akan difikirkan.. 
beli cotton yg best that may be cost me around 10rggt per mtr.. jahit sendiri.. bukan besar pun baby cot tu..
selimut baby xpyh pki comforter just cari selimut tebal je since our room has aircond. kan2?

the daddy to be said: 'bile dia bsr tunjuk gambar ni..n say, ni masa bdn daddy tgh gemuk..cari katil n tilam for u..'
the mommy to be speechless and reply balik.. 'mcm mana kalau baby ckp.. abis tu daddy skrg ape mommy?' *means still gemuk or lg gemuk*
daddy to be terus merajuk n berlalu pergi..kekekekekeke
the first outfit for baby yg terbeli.. since xtau lg gender..xde mood nak cr baju.. ada tp nk capai pink and dresses je..haha..kang kalau yg keluar boboy.. parah plak nk cr bj lain..yg terbeli ni pun sbb geram dgn bubble gum colour..hehe

thats last week this mak buyung nk pergi bercuti sekejap.. can't wait!! weee.. sekejap pun jadi la..since both of us xpernah lg pergi bercuti berdua.. xde rezeki lg nk honeymoon jauh2.. so before i get the real handbag yg kena bwk je ke mana2.. mr.husband willing to reward his wife with a trip to cameron highland..hehehe..

the next-next week.. da raya haji.. rasa mcm nk berbarbecue ramai2..insyaallah..

the next-next-next week is dilemma week..huhu..semua sbb baby expo.. punya la menahan diri xnak beli brg baby sbb nk beli kat baby expo smpi xsedar its actually clash with cousin's wedding.. T_T
kenapa dilemma cos i need the nenek to be to teman shopping.. of cos la xtau n blur nk beli ape.. brape helai baju.. baju ape.. waaaaaaa....

baby expo start 2-4nov. 11-9PM
2hb kerja.. kalau nk pg lepas office hour xtau la sempat ke x dgn nk redah jammed. kalau smpi sana dah pukul 8 pun nak cari apa je.. nk pg hari sabtu.. nenek to be mesti la xbole.. bila pulak diorg nk gerak balik perak.. hari ahad lg la xbole..
cane ni? cane ni?

thats the only baby expo yg ada lak tu.. ada lagi satu nnti end of nov..but that one more to children.. frust nye..huu...
kalau ikutkan hati mmg EL je la ari jumaat tu.. tp tah la..nnti timmet tgl sorg..

see our calendar.. rasa kejam x nk biar timmet sorg2..huhu.. harap that week nothing much la kan.. kalau line clear dpt la EL..kalau x..tah la..huhu

the next-next-next-next week (10,11 nov) bestfren wed pulak.. 

full sudah jadual.. i have told u my future please expect no updates until i'm available.. ceewaahh.. bajet org bukak blog ni hari2 la???


1 comment:

DinasorCute said...

Baca sambil senyum2 sajork...

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