Thursday, January 17, 2013




i have 2 baby's girl name in the list oredy..yeayy!.. tp lmbt lg la baru dpt guna agaknye..or mana tau dpt kembar.. kan2? *berangan*

since da start work from home twice a week for jan.. n will be working for whole feb.. xnk water breaking kat ofis.. bosan eh duk umah..xde teman nk berckp.. tgk tv citer tah pape.. wish mr.k bole teman msti la x.. nak dekat hari nnti baru dia dpt wfh kot.. tu pun kalau dpt..

well, da bosan2 ni..mcm2 benda la fikir..mcm2 doubt la yg muncul..
now..tgh terfikir psl new job.. *alah ira..asal lepas 6 bulan je terfikir new job..lepas 6 bulan je terfikir new job..*

ok. last time my main reason is permanent job. this time is about the payment.
living cost now getting, we going to have another family member soon.. so we really need to plan something.. something. something yg melibatkan duit.huhu

from last post.
Standard Chartered
- perm position under process - now. i am permanent staff
- flexible
- annual leave 21days
- Can working from home
- So far great environment and bosses.
others benefit like increment/bonus xtau lg sbb gaji tuk new year xdpt lg..n bonus dlm bulan 3 kot.. itu pun kalau ada..

fikirkan psl flexibility.. i love here.. smpi rasa xnak pg mana2.. tp fikir2 balik.. kenapa mommies yg lain.. yg kerja teruk, xde pun wfh sume tu.. still bole survived.. bole jd super mommy.. so why i cant?.. kan?

aiihh..entah la.. resume updated.jobstreet updated.2 vacancies applied. let see how..hehe
semoga ada rezeki utk baby..amin..

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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers