Sunday, February 10, 2013

having baby at HUKM part 2 & false alarm

ingat ira.. air ketuban warna mcm air paip.. bila keluar mmg terus kena pg hospital. dia akan keluar either sikit2 or sekali bush!
kalau air ketuban tu warna mcm hijau2.. tu maksudnye baby da berak. lg la kena cpt pg hosp..heee..
- doc ckp.

baik lah. 2 benda kena ingt.. mmg da khatam *konon* tanda2 nk lupa nk cr info mcm mana ghupe air ketuban.. so bila ada water burst ari khamis lps.. terus call mr.k..
berdesup 15min daddy to besmpi rumah.. dia punye gelabah.. tp tgk2 relax je mak yong ni tgh pki bedak.. betul2 kan tudung..
sbb?.. xde rasa contraction..

nasib baik mmg hari check up..n doc dkt klinik doc pmpn.. kalau x haisshh...
so now da start check up once a week dkt klinik biasa semula.. alhamdulillah.. xpyh susah2 nk tgu lama2 kat hukm.. n rasa tenang sbb doc pmpn yg check.

n so, this how procedure kat hukm.. masuk bulan ke-8, kawan2 lain semua da start check up once a week, tp gynae kat hukm xde ckp pape pun.. until la my last check up (8mths) baru doc bgtau.. i HAVE to start weekly check up but not at HUKM. bole pg mana2 klinik swasta or just pg klinik yg kita buat check up masa awal2 pregnant.. cont check up smpai da rasa nk bersalin. baru dtg hukm.
at the same time.. doc bg borang register yg kena bwk masa da rasa nk bersalin..or

see the dates?.. tu adalah date kalau baby xnak keluar on the expected date.. nk xnak dia kena keluar spt date yg tertulis..hehe.. its our anniversery!!
the last doc haritu dia kira betul2 when is my EDD.. sebelum ni semua doc bg it 27/28 Feb.. smpi la last 2 docs ni bg 1/2nd march. nasib la.. its justi can't wait!!..

hari2 usap perut supaya baby keluar..hehe.

owh.regarding the false alarm. its actually this. because of this infection. alhamdulillah.. nothing serious.


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