Wednesday, January 20, 2010

19 JAN 2010

yeah!! bufday cake..yg ke xtau la.. yg plg ingt bufday mase umur 5 tahun. that time sambut kat tadika..mak msk mee goreng n ape tah.. pastu mkn ramai2 ngn kwn2.. since that, mmg xpenah miss dpt xdpt cake. mak penah ckp dulu...

(mase tu bufday yg ke 13)..
"awak dah besar..xpayah beli cake lah eh.."
then i said..
tup2..masuk asrama..harus la nangis bagai nak stat duk asrama..seblom balik tu g bandar dulu beli cake n mkn..huhu

(mase 14th bufday)
ayt lebih kurang same la..this time dah jd outsider. so pegi soklah agama ngn ela.. ttbe balik tu mkck depan umah pggl..suh g umah dia dulu dia ade wat mkn2...mase tu serba salah gak sbb da mgrb..pastu tgk rumah cam xde org.. kete pun takde.. so pegi cik milah tu asik tahan2 xbg balik dulu... ttbe nmpak mak balik terus je la balik umah.. haha..diorg xsempat surprise sbb tgh angkut2 brg kantoi nmpk cake..hehe

(mase 15th bufday)
this time..masuk asrama balik..then weekend pg outing..mak bg duit kot time tu blanje kwn2 KFC. xingt la.. xla ramai..4-5 org kot.. ttbe umi ngn nasirah keluar...pastu balik bwk cake.. whoooaaa.. diorg belikan cake..hehehe..

(then follow by 16th n 17th)
xingt yg ni celebrate ngn kwn2 kot..this time ade pisah..anis..fazilah..yayan..iejan..n ramai lg la..

(mase matrix)
fifa yg beli kan surprise awal sbb una takut nak jln dr blok E ke blok F..mase tu ade cter antu ape tah..haha..kelakar jek..

(mase uni life)
xingt la..hecitc world..3 tahun kat sini.. ade tahun yg xdpt cake ade kawan2 yg best.. emol bg buku frame.. the big teddy bear from fara fatin emol n nik...n mcm2 kad..

alhamdulillah..tuhan izin kan lagi utk rase kek umur 23 ni.. mula2 kul 9 lebih.. dpt msg dr abah.

"selamat hari lahir.."(with mms bufday cake pic)
"time kasih..nak cake betul2.."
"ni cake free.."

dlm hati..ceh..kedekot..huhu..tape2..
mak lepas subuh tu da bg bufday kiss~..(^.^)

then for one whole day buat karipap..penatnye..sampai kul 5 ptg kot.. sekali bukak fridge.


setiap org dikurniakan kebahagian berbeza..we all may not be crowned with dollar or else.. but we've got enough kasih syg from them. alhamdulillah~

and xlupe jugak yg sms ;
Fatin. Pisah. Iejan. Fifa. Lely. Ijah..

n wish on FACEBOOK..thanx to all.. u guys brighten my day much2 more..





Thanx for anis for the call..

and special thanx to mr.khairul.. dpt la wat video call sekejap..hehe
this year..celebrate bufday dgn da ade blog. so evrythg will be here..for ever lasting memory..
last year pun da private..shhh..

p/s: i luv u~


ryan said...

happy birthday cik khayra...

all the best for ur future ahead..

and Allah permudahkan segala urusan...


Ms.Khayra said...

tq msz equi..hehe

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers