Sunday, January 24, 2010

i loike..haha

haha..thanx for this entry.. try out the tutorial and as the result..TADAAA!!

this mata sepet look a bit bigger..and of course nampak sket kulit I cam cerah kan..xde da parut2 jerawat semua...muahahaha..
hey..idung I pun nampak besar la.. Actly my nose kecik comel je.. *mangkuk please!..blueerrkk.. eh.sume pun nak nmpk besar la..muka pon nampak tembam..huhu.. *dush2..xnk ngaku da gemok..tepi lah..ade x tutorial yg leh buat muka nmpak kecik??..xpandai main ngn shading lg la..nak buat yg kat cheeck td tu pon bape kali pdm n tukar brushes..huh
BUT.. i love my green hair..hahaha..cannot put it here la kan.. owh how i wish i could colored like that..ngahahha..*mati la kena halau ngn mak

heh. tah pape la entry merepek + la bile xde keje kan..miss all this photoshoping time..
actly nak buat banner for this xde idea.. come baby come..idea..i need u..huhu..
just wondering..camne kalo dpt keje as web dev yg nak pki multimedia like flash bagai..if xde idea.. mati la den.. since school dulu..mmg agak ambik mase tuk drawing.. org xperasan kot benda tu..cause i kept thinking..and kdg2 idea dtg TING!..time dlm toilet..xpun time tgh sidai baju..xpun tgh beratur nak mkn..haha

plg problem dulu nak buat projek seni for spm.. huish..sume org da start wat temenung lagi xtau nak design kotak cane..TING! again the idea came during the laundry..haha.. n after that xsbr nak masuk bilik seni tuk g maen2 ngn kotak..muahaha..
the best thing is..ckgu yaakub ckp examiner puji kotak paling creative..malu i..huhu
well..tah pape la..nak try wat lomo picture plak..hoyeeeh..

p/s: esk tggl sorg kat umah..ade org nak teman x?..huhu


Mr. Khayra said...

dok uma tu ati²...
xmo nakal²...
mish u dear...

Ms.Khayra said...

ops..under 18 comment not allowed!..haha

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers