Wednesday, December 19, 2012

last week

Last week..we went here..

buat apa?..main golf..keke..
well actually ada programme.. something like antenatal class..

bila citer ngn ofismate suma ckp.. 'wuaa..nak eh ur hubby pegi'
owh.. lelaki xminat ek?..hehe..luckily mr.k ok je..

pagi tu kitorg mcm da lmbt..lepas subuh tdo balik.. weekend uols...hehe.. so sempat drive thru mcD je.. kena mkn something jugak.. skali bila smpi tgk first programme lunch..haha.. apa lg..mmg sapu je la.. dpt pulak dessert pudding roti..mmg pucuk dicita ulam mendtg lah. *betul ke?

tempat parking jauh dr lobby.. turun2 je dr tmpat parking diorg offer naik buggy.. mmg diorg standby je rupanye.. ye la..da sah2 programme tuk pregnant mommy kan..

well, the programme was better la than nothing.. the most best talk is 'pregnancy: normal or caeserian' and 'breastfeeding'

lain2 is about nutrition during pregnancy which i'm supposed to listen few months back..not now.. mcm da terlambat nk jaga2 mkn..huhu..then bout cryocord since they are the main sponsor for the event..of course la session plg pnjg..plg bosan..n plg mengantuk..hehe..

what is cyrocord?.. just an overview la ea..
it is Stem cell bank.. stem cell adalah sel yg continuosly divided to support human needs. generally stem cell ni bole jd mcm klon kita.. let say, hati kita rosak masa da tua.. diorg akan guna stem cell ni utk build balik hati tu..or kornea kita rosak..same. diorg akan guna stem cell utk build semula kornea tu..n stem cell can cure most of blood disease..leukimia ke..anemia ke..

where did they get the stem cell and why they approached us the mommy to be?
one of the source adalah dr tali pusat.. the good is.. if we proceed with the stem cell banking process ni.. bukan mommy je yg bole guna..but the whole family bole guna.. tp ada terbc.. bole guna sekali je.. so kalau ada 3 anak.. 2 ada blood disease.. at least kena bukak 2 acc stem cell.. *read further if u need confirmation k..
anyway, stem cell ni kira mcm bio-insurance la.. bila korek2 info bc kat forum of course there are pros n cons.. if u have more money why not la kan.. yearly fees dlm 250~300.. diorg pun ada package2 which byr skali like 2k~4k for 20 years..

kitorg xpg approached pun team ni.. n bila diorg approached kitorg lari.. haha.. sbb takut kena paksa2 mcm linguaphone punya salesman.. n takut hati mr.k cair bila kena pujuk2.. better cr extra info online dulu.. gather at least basic knowledge bout this.baru bole duduk dgr diorg cerita..

sbb kat malaysia ni baru ada 4-5 companies..since the cost is high, all the companies tgh fight utk cari customer.. so bygkan la ayat2 manis diorg.. to mommy to be yg interested.. pls buat research dulu ye.. n kalau bole jgn dgr offer dr 1 company je.. read terms n conditions betul2..

then, dpt la mcm2 doogift.. but i love the most is this book!

serius..bler ckp psl breastfeeding.. mula2 ingt sepjg 2 bulan pantang tu.. nk bg baby direct bf je..insyaallah.. memandangkan xkerja kan.. rupanye.. xbole assumed mcm tu..2weeks after delivery sepatutnya da start pump and buat stock..after 4weeks plak da bole practice baby minum dr botol n direct, dlm buku ni pun ada time table bila nk bg baby botol or direct..
this book is highly recommended.. harga baru 10 ringgit..
anyone interested bole la check on this web.

semoga sy berjaya bf smpi baby umur setahun++..amin...

last week jugak dpt mcm2 mknn..rezeki2..alhamdulillah.. rombongan cik kiah yg pg wedding kat srwk aritu xlupa kat org yg tinggal ni.. dpt kek lapis!..hehe.. sedaapp..n da abis pun.. then dpt biskut n coklat sempena krismas.. now scope no more happy friday.. :( since da tuka new bos.. xde da happy friday event or mystery gift pagi2..

dpt jugak tiket free The Hobbit. rezeki jugak ada ofismate yg baik hati tolong q kan.. ramai sgt q sbb sempena krismas diorg bg 2 ticket per staff.. kalau x satu staff leh dpt satu je..

another thing on last week, ada org yg xsbr jugak...huu.. mggu ni nenek to b dtg mesti kena kutuk kaw2 ni.. ada ke pg2 kejut mr.k suh psg katil.. xsbr nak setup bilik baby!..
sndr bongkar bgn2 tgk semua rangka da terkeluar.. mmg leh nk ckp apa la kan.. mengalah je la dia psg..keke..

few things lg utk bilik baby belum beli.. 
- curtain
- closet
- air cooler

berkira2 nk beli air cooler or portable aircond.. ada yg ckp air cooler tu xthn lama n xsejuk kalau xletak air.. tp ada yg thn smpi 2 years..ok la kot..bole la kumpul2 duit nk psg aircond dlm bilik tu and by the time baby pun da bsr..
semoga ada rezeki utk baby insyaallah..

maybe awal2 baby xtdo pun kat bilik ni.. cot ni kena bwk bilik master.. tp tgk la.. myb mommy yg pindah tdo ngn baby.. tp daddy da sound dia nk follow jugak even kena tdo kat bwh.. =P

wuaahh..pnjg kot entry ni..hehe

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